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Family Teeth Matters

Please help us to help the children

You can donate to Family Teeth Matters through Pay Pal. Just hit the button below.  Many thanks.

Family Teeth Matters is a group of dentists, hygienists, psychologists, dental therapists and professionals committed to improving the dental health of children. Cynthia Wallbridge is the founder and spokesperson and has over 30 years experience in Dental Health. Cynthia was the New Zealand representative to the International Federation of Dental Hygienists and has a diploma in Dental Therapy.

Contact Cynthia and start a conversation cynthia@familyteethmatters.nz  Or call 027 3814 836

Despite $417 million being spent on dental health since 2007, the amount of cavities being seen is still around the 40% mark. Yet FREE Dental care is available for children up to age 18. Many Parents still don't see teeth care as a priority health concern and only seek treatment in severe cases. (i.e the child is in continual pain) — source NZ Herald. In some households the entire family still shares one toothbrush.

The Solution to this Problem,  simple education that's made to be fun !

We invite you to become a 'Family Teeth Matters' school. We'll provide you with the necessary resources and our 'Free' Dental Health Project Box that can rotate through your school classrooms. After our initial presentation and Power Point any of the staff can use the material in class projects. And every child will receive a free toothbrush. Their parents will love you !

To qualify your kindy or school must be based in Central, South, East or West Auckland.  (At the moment we only have limited sponsorship for these areas.)  The school or early childhood centre  must include us in an event  that the parents are going to be attending. The point of difference with our programme and others is that we must present the message to the parents as well as the children.

Easy as One ... Two ... Three ...

Contact us and start a conversation team@familyteethmatters.nz


As we visit different schools and Early Childhood Education Centres we try to capture a photographic record.  These images can be seen with our current Events on our Facebook page here:  https://www.facebook.com/familyteethmatters